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Student Life

在20世纪60年代的注册日,学生们往返于学生会和金色大厅.The 1971 Tower Yearbook, which had left out traditional organization group photographs, was vehemently protested by Northwest's Greek Community.1971年塔年鉴的工作人员没有想到,他们没有在年鉴中加入传统的组织团体照片,这会激怒希腊社区.  Hundreds of yearbooks were ruined when Greeks staged a protest, 把书扔进奥利弗·德鲁斯美术大楼前的喷泉里.在20世纪50年代,大一新生戴着绿色的无边帽,以表明他们的“新”身份.  Walk-Out Day signaled the end of having to wear the beanies.学生们聚集在行政大楼外参加一年一度的罢工日活动.President Harry S. Truman visited the Northwest campus on several occasions.  2月9日,他为校园内的马丁·佩德森军械库揭幕. 20, 1955.  The armory was renamed in 2008 as the Jon T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center.埃莉诺·罗斯福于2月9日在网上赌博网站十大排行给学生和教师做了一次讲座. 13, 1959.  Her topic was America's leadership role in the Post-World War II world.  The event was attended more than 1,250 people.学生们敲响了1948年的钟声,庆祝校园首次庆祝黑人男女对大学和国家的贡献和成就.  The event was called Black Week.A famous visitor to the Northwest campus was actor Vincent Price.  Price, along with English, Speech and Theater faculty and students, 参加了60年代中期在行政大楼后面举行的一场精心准备的茶会.  According to Northwest student, Trudy Kinman, who attended the tea, "Price, who was extremely tall, well-spoken and funny, patiently posed for pictures wearing a long, velvet cape for well over an hour."Students held a nightly weekday news show during the 1970s.20世纪60年代初,福斯特校长在家长日活动期间为一名学生擦鞋.金池曾经允许滑冰,许多学生都利用这个冬季娱乐活动.  到20世纪80年代,由于担心学生溺水或受伤,滑冰被禁止.1974年3月的四天里,全国范围内的裸奔风潮席卷了西北校区.  An estimated 60 students streaked in front of Hudson Hall one night.Swimming was a popular sport in the 1960s and early 1970s.  Featured is the 1969-1970 Swim Team, coached by Lewis Dyche.西北希腊社团成立于20世纪20年代末,最初在网上赌博网站十大排行被禁止. 像Tau Kappa Epsilon和Sigma Sigma姐妹会这样的兄弟会在西北地区的生活中扮演着重要的角色,尤其是, Northwest Homecoming.The first general Homecoming took place on Oct. 10, 1924.  The Tower Queen contest began in 1923 to help sell Tower Yearbooks.  The Tower Queen Contest has become an annual event at Northwest.Students participate in Northwest Homecoming Parade in 1952.1952年西北返校节游行期间,人群在玛丽维尔的街道上列队.  The Northwest Band was always a popular spectacle at the yearly event.1952年西北返校节女王和她的皇室成员在返校节游行中向人群微笑.The Northwest 1962 Homecoming Queen arrives in a pomped, horse-drawn carriage for the start of the Homecoming Football Game.女王从马车上下来,在网上赌博网站十大排行为1962年返校节足球赛开球.在返校节足球赛开始前,女王和王室成员接受花束和胸花.1962年橄榄球赛结束后,返校节女王乘坐一辆敞篷车离开.1962年返校节游行开始前,大批人群聚集在玛丽维尔市中心.The Northwest Tower Queen, attired in her evening finery, 在1962年的返校节游行中,她和王室成员一起乘坐花车.1962年的西北返乡游行是众多精致的花车之一,像这样向奥运会致敬.一辆卡米洛特的花车载着身着中世纪服装的西北学生在玛丽维尔大街上游行.  卡米洛特,由于肯尼迪夫妇和音乐剧,在20世纪60年代早期是一个流行的主题.  关于亚瑟王的音乐剧《卡米洛特》于1960年首次在百老汇上演.在1962年的返校节游行中,西北地区向音乐剧《八月月亮的茶馆》致敬,沿着玛丽维尔街滚动.  1952年,剧作家约翰·帕特里克根据弗恩·斯奈德的小说改编了《茶馆》. 该剧于1953年在纽约百老汇的马丁·贝克剧院首演,获得了巨大的成功, 获得了许多奖项,包括:纽约戏剧评论家协会年度最佳美国戏剧奖.1962年西北返校节游行期间,一辆精美的美洲原住民花车在玛丽维尔的街道上滑行.1962年西北地区返校游行期间,西北地区的灰姑娘在一辆精心制作的花车上展示.  《灰姑娘》是罗杰斯和汉默斯坦唯一一部为电视创作的音乐剧,并于3月31日在哥伦比亚广播公司直播, 1957 as a vehicle for Julie Andrews, who played the title role. The broadcast was seen by more than 100 million people.返校节游行结束后,人群从镇广场散开,返回学院大道.在返校节游行开始前,1969年的塔女王和她的王室成员合影留念.

During Northwest's State College years, students formed new clubs like Cardinal Key and Blue Key, national honorary service societies. 游泳队发展起来了,足球队发展到100多人. 纪念体育场于1961年更名为里肯布罗德体育场,以纪念长期注册的威廉. Rickenbrode. 网上赌博网站十大排行也从学期制转变为学期制,学生在劳动节后开始上课. Registration for classes became an ordeal for everyone involved, 整整两天,大一和大二的学生几乎没有灵活性.

到1962年,学生人数增加到2500人,新生人数超过了高年级学生. Prior to 1961, all freshmen were required to wear green beanies. When ordered by an upperclassman or a member of the M-Club to button, 新生被要求将手指放在帽子和蝴蝶结顶部的按钮上, curtsy or kneel. 罢课日标志着新生受豆帽欺辱的结束,也标志着新生受欺辱时期的结束. 1961年,新生们开始抵制这一传统,对新生的欺凌被正式废除. By 1962 Homecoming had become an even more elaborate event with large, detailed floats made of tissue paper and chicken wire.